Antique Yomut rug

160 x 95cm, 5'2" x 3'1"

    Part of Sir Quintine Blake's Personal Collection

    The Yomut rug, dating back to around 1900, is a breathtaking testament to the artistic prowess of its time. Woven with meticulous care and expertise by the nomadic Yomut tribe, this exquisite piece showcases the iconic Gül design, a timeless emblem of cultural heritage and traditional significance.

    The centrepiece of the rug is adorned with a classic Gül motif, characterised by a radiant floral medallion that exudes a sense of harmony and unity. Its intricate patterns, skillfully crafted in a mesmerising symmetrical layout, draw the eye into a world of cultural symbolism and ancient storytelling.

    What truly sets this rug apart is its vibrant colour palette. Radiant hues of red, reminiscent of passion and vitality, interplay with fiery oranges and sunny yellows, creating a visual spectacle that evokes warmth and energy. The earthy tones of brown ground the design, offering a sense of stability and connection to nature, while shades of blue add a touch of serenity and depth to the composition.

    The craftsmanship of this Yomut rug is unparalleled, evident in the fine weaving and attention to detail that has preserved its beauty over more than a century. Each thread tells a story, each colour speaks volumes about the culture and tradition of the Yomut people, making this rug not just a stunning piece of art but a cherished relic of history and heritage.

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