Persian Nain Rug

198 x 114cm, 6'5" x 3'8"

    This exquisite Persian Nain Rug is a testament to the timeless artistry and craftsmanship that originates from the western regions of Iran. Meticulously hand-knotted, this woollen masterpiece showcases the skill and dedication of the weavers who have brought it to life.

    At the heart of this rug lies a captivating central medallion adorned with an intricate floral design that immediately draws the eye. The medallion serves as the focal point of the rug and is surrounded by a harmonious blend of fronds, blossoms, and palmettes, creating a mesmerising tapestry of nature's beauty. Each element of the design is meticulously handcrafted, reflecting the precision and expertise of the artisans who have laboured over this creation.

    The colour palette employed in this Nain Rug is nothing short of stunning. Deep, rich blue hues dominate the central motifs, providing a striking contrast against the creamy, light tones that form the background. This bold juxtaposition of colours not only adds depth and dimension to the rug but also imparts a sense of opulence and sophistication.

    The level of detail in this rug extends beyond the central area, with the same floral patterns gracefully continuing into the borders. This seamless transition creates a sense of unity and balance throughout the entire piece, enhancing its overall visual appeal.

    The use of wool in the crafting of this rug ensures not only its durability but also a luxuriously soft and plush texture underfoot. Whether used as a functional floor covering or as a work of art adorning a wall, this Persian Nain Rug is a true testament to the enduring tradition of Persian carpet weaving.

    Intricate, elegant, and rich in history, this hand-knotted Persian Nain Rug is a masterpiece that brings the beauty of the natural world into your living space while serving as a timeless testament to the artistry and craftsmanship of the talented artisans of western Iran. It is more than just a rug; it is a work of art that tells a story of culture, tradition, and the enduring beauty of Persian craftsmanship.

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