Afghan Shirvan Rug

235 x 174cm, 7'8" x 5'8"

    An Afghan Shirvan Rug hand knotted by Afghan weavers from soft, lustrous wool. The rug features three classic tribal star medallions surrounded by lozenge motifs in the central area and borders. Deep blue tones contrast against rich red, cream, gold and pink colours, adding vibrancy to the piece.

    Afghan Shirvan Rugs are based on Caucasian Shirvan Rugs from the 18th and 19th centuries that were woven in and around the Caucasus mountains. The Afghan Rugs feature similar motifs to their Caucasian counterparts, with the main difference being that the design of these Afghan Rugs is more open. Woven with care and dedication by skilled craftspeople, this rug is highly durable while maintaining a soft feel underfoot. This rug is in very good condition with some light staining, which will be removed before delivery. 

    This Afghan Shirvan Rug is a classic tribal piece and suitable for both modern and classic spaces. The rug adds richness and depth of tone to living rooms, studies, bedrooms and dining rooms.

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