Afghan Ersari Rug

Afghan Ersari Rug

305 x 201cm, 10'0" x 6'7"
  • SKU: 5307
    This wonderfully colourful Afghan Ersari Rug features traditional patterns from the Ersari Turkoman tribe with a modern twist. Woven in hand, spun wool, this Ersari uses red and blue colourings similar to rugs produced by Tekke tribesmen thousands of years ago but with an almost pastel-like effect, making this piece all the more appealing.  Another nod to traditional Turkmen rugs is seen within the field of this Ersari, which is decorated in a typical Gül design consisting of 'elephant foot' motifs in uniform rows. A series of lively borders surround these repeated patterns made up of smaller geometric shapes, each separated by a small cross pattern that echoes the crosses used with the Gül motifs. The way the weaver has incorporated these cross shapes throughout the different areas of the rug makes this piece feel well balanced.This modern Ersari Rug was created using classic methods with the weaver hand-knotting a wool pile knotted onto cotton warps, all finished in natural dyes. This technique makes the rug hardwearing, which means it can be placed anywhere in the home.
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